How to Determine Gender
by Rod Ramsell
MN DNR Fisheries Specialist

Determination of the gender of an adult Muskellunge can be done by external examination of the underside of the fish. The vent area of adult male and female Muskellunge consists of two openings. The most anterior opening (furthest from the anal fin and closest to the paired pelvic fins) is the anus, which functions in the passing of solid waste. The more posterior opening (closest to the anal fin) is the urogenital pore, which is where liquid waste (urine) and the reproductive gametes (eggs or sperm/milt) are discharged. The anus for both males and females will be similarly proportional to the size of the adult fish, regardless of sex (For example: A 40" male is capable of eating similar size forage as a 40" female, and will have to digest and pass a similar size of solid waste. The size of the anal opening will increase proportional to the growth of the individual fish). The urogenital pore differs in size between the sexes based on necessity of function. Discharge of a liquid urine from both males and females would not require a large urogenital opening for either sex. However, the difference lies in the size of opening required to release the reproductive gametes. The release of a liquid sperm in males does not require any larger of an opening than that required for the release of urine. The urogenital opening in females is larger to accommodate the release of an almost "BB" sized egg. Therefore, in female Muskellunge, the urogenital opening will be as big, or slightly larger than the anal opening. On the male Muskellunge, the urogenital opening will be much smaller than the anus. When viewed from the anal fin looking forward in the direction of the head, the vent area of a male Muskellunge will have a "key-hole" shaped appearance (the shape of a skeleton key hole in an older style door lock). When viewed in the same direction, the vent area of a female Muskellunge will have more of a "pear" or "figure-8" shaped appearance to it. It is more difficult to determine gender on smaller muskie.

** Males are pictured on the left, females on the right **

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